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Good practice and example usage of Jupyter Notebooks

So far, you have learnt the technical skills of how to create your own Jupyter notebook. Here, we show you how they can be used in your own research.

Jupyter Notebooks (coderefinery)

The introduction to the coderefinery tutorial on using Jupyter Notebooks.

Learning outcomes

After this course, you should know:

  • The history of Jupyter notebooks and their purpose
  • Instances in which using notebooks can help you
  • Good practice and common pitfalls when using notebooks

Jupyter Notebooks (coderefinery)


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Live Jupyter Notebook example using biobb

An example Jupyter Notebook showing how it can be used to document a workflow. 

Go through the notebook and take note of how it is documented for ease of use and how it imports external modules to the notebook.

Learning outcomes

After this course, you should know:

  • How to contain a whole workflow within a notebook
  • How to document the workflow in line with good practice and usabiliy
  • How to import existing modules to your notebook

Live Jupyter Notebook example using biobb


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